Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Diligent Sleep in Ramoche Temple

Diligent Sleep in Ramoche Temple

for Khyongla Rato Rinpoche

Bedtime in the assembly hall, the monks
recline according to seniority.

The elders lie in lion posture on the right side -
as the Buddha placed his body with head

in hand, before he passed away. The young
monks slip into between spaces, curled

in fetal curves, compressed kitten shapes,
knees tucked to chests sparing a spot

for the new arrival. His wooden tea cup
and barley bag rest as pillow, covered

by his saffron chugu gown, he lies down
on the right side wrapping his robe close.

Pulling his knees to his chest, he waits
as the prior walks by with butter lamp in hand

to check the postures of the sleepers. Tap,
tap, go the prior's feet, in stern slow pace.

Still as a statue, he cannot sleep. He whispers
to a monk by his side, afraid the sleeplessness

will bring dreamtime in the morning ceremony -
picturing Old Bear's unsmiling face and whip.

Don't worry. I'll nudge you
when the prior comes.

The gong sounds three times, soft, louder, loud.
Roused, they rise for morning chants. Slow, deep,

syllables resound by tonal chord round breathing.
In brisk air, contemplation begins till he nods,

nods, deep, deeper, deeply. The monk nudges
him. Tap - tap - Old Bear walks, a light shines

on the newcomer's young face, a hair-raising stop.
Wide awake - Old Bear moves on.

The future prior watches his predecessor shine
the light on others and recede from view.

Annie Bien

Posted over on Adroitly Placed Word

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