Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Down Home With "W"

Down Home With "W"

I do so enjoy reading this blog site,
while sitting here so lonely on my ranch.
No one visits me now.
No one tells me what to do.
So I just count my money and drink Lone Star
and daydream that I am still
the most powerful man on the planet.

.......George W. Bush, Jr.

I painted you last week, there in Texas,
bent over nude, riding a wild pig,
with a dildoo shoved up your rectum,
with your mom riding an armadillo,
and your dad riding your wife,
with very tall elephants in the back ground,
one of them carrying Osama Bin Laden,
with berka-wearing topless women running backwards,
and several clock faces weeping,
with oil wells spouting blood,
with a blizzard of green backs whipping up
from the great fence in the south,
with a rattlesnake wearing a Stetson
dangling from your right hand,
and a severed gas pump handle
dangling from your left hand,
you wearing a fez with golden tassels,
and three one-legged Iraq veterans chasing after
your caravan of shame, with an alligator holding
your flight suit in its mouth,
and a knot of fire ants waving small American flags.
I call it "Fun With the Bush's".

.........Salvador Dali

Glenn Buttkus June 2009


  1. Glenn,

    That’s a hoot. Especially old Sali Dali’s commentary.


    Bobby Byrd
    Cinco Press

  2. Glenn:

    Vengefully graphic!! Now I have to try and get that image out of my mind. LOL


  3. Yes, I like this turn of mind in you. Dali, why did you dilly dally so long to write these fire
    crackers of satire. There were years of the bastard's inanity while he was in power. That's when we needed poetic laughter. I envisioned Bush at Breakfast this morning mooning over his cheerios;
    Laura turns from the sink and tells him to knock off the gloom, pick yourself up and go ride your
    fattest sow. How the world has changed in several months!


  4. That's a riot Glenn. All it misses is a 'burning Bush'and a voice from the ether saying 'I'm sorry this one WAS a mistake'.


  5. Dali would really appreciate this, I'm sure!

