Sunday, June 21, 2009



I didn't work on the cello concerto yesterday. Instead,
I sliced up some pieces of maple and ran them
through the planer
to make thin strips for the mandola project.
Mandora is like mandola or mandolin
or a whole lot of other stringed instruments.

That thing that looks like a gigantic honey dipper
is the mold for the mandora. I've got to steam a bunch
of thin slices of wood over the mold and fit them together
to make the body of the thing.

So anyway, yesterday M wanted to get up early and drive
out the Maple Valley road to Black Diamond to a bakery
(CJ's) for a serious ingestion of sugar and coffee.
We each had all we could eat of a cinnamon roll drenched
in maple sauce (a soft version of the frosting on a maple bar)

Later on, we had maple flavored sausage for dinner.
Mapleness tripled.

Later in the week it became now.

Doug Palmer June 2009

1 comment:

  1. "Later in the week it became now".
    Quelle drollerie.

    .....Deouge Le Palme.
