Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Deviant Art by Isbu



Morning comes with a thud of light
the ground awake
and it’s out into the back yard
to piss on the neighbors’ hydrangeas

This is not an act of war
there are men: little men in my mirror
I can hear them giggle
in the bathroom mirror
when I shake

And I hear conversations
late at night
I had weeks ago
repeated in German
and I don’t even know German


When I sit in my kitchen
sip hot tea to loosen
the life in me get it flowing
like a breeze
I see crows eating my cucumbers
eating my baby tomato plants
I planted before I knew
nothing grew here

Then at the bus stop
they’re up there smirking
on the power lines
on the tree branches
but they’re clever they are not men
that’s why I can see them
I’ve never seen a man here


On the bus you’ve seen them hiding
on the walls same with the trains
they hide on the walls call themselves doctors
call themselves Hamburger Mc. King
call themselves Technical Institutes
They’re stealing from me
stealing from you too

trying to scream your mind away
They know
you’d expect them to come
through your ears
that’s why they go
through your eyes

CL Bledsoe

Posted over on Manniquin Envy

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