Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Have Two Glasses

I have two glasses

one with Coke to keep my fingers sharp,
the other all water
to drown the burn in my belly

from dinner at Chili's
with a dozen people I would like
to call my friends,
if perhaps
I need to move a couch sometime

or bury the body
I hear moaning
every time I go
to the kitchen for a refill.
A witch is making love

to the moon, this is wind.
When the devil beats his wife,
it's thunder.
I did not name these, they are old.
Either way, they remind me

of a guy at Jack's job
who was downloading kiddie porn at work.
What Jack does, is try to find every porn
site he can, and name them

so the computer can block the sites.
This is his job because
the computer is stupid,
it can only recognize names and words,
not content.

So Jack had to spend all day'
looking at Nabokov's shadow.
Jack ate his buffalo wings
with a defeated grin,
because he never thought

to look for kiddie porn to block,
until Eric mentioned that Chili's
does not serve chili, or at least
he's never known anyone to order it.

This is enough to make a man
forgive many trespasses.

C.L. Bledsoe

Posted over on Velvet Illusion

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