Monday, August 31, 2009

Ballard: There is a Church on Every Corner

There is a church on every corner!!!

Surely the world has been saved by now!
Surely the hungry have been fed.
Surely the poor have been aided.
Surely the sick have been healed.
Surely the evil have been shown the error of their ways
and welcomed back into the fold.
Surely the infirm, the dazed and confused,
the victims of hatred and intolerance have been tended to
and shown the mercy of a loving God.
Surely the screwballs have been given right handed threads
by now.

I'm alright, though, cause I'm an atheist.
God obviously wanted atheists because, we are!
The thing is, to "believe" is to stop thinking about.
So if you believe, it means you can stop thinking.
God doesn't want that.
So us atheists are the only true believers.

Doug Palmer August 2009

Posted over on his site Feel Free To Laugh

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