Friday, August 14, 2009

Cultural Evolution: Bulletin #1

Cultural Evolution: Bulletin #1

Welcome to our state
of perpetual emergency
where a poisonous fish in Japan
becomes a Seattle delicacy,
where time itself is 13.7
billion years old and our universe
is condemned to expand forever
while 99% of what we know
is dark energy and matter
where it's the thirteenth
friggin month in the New Era
of a very cold cosmic
winter mainly because
the Thought Police have
mutated into Morals Police
creating the Office of Homeland
Paternity to protect us
by sparing no expense
to drive out the mojo horrific
under the bed evil new devil
boogey man whose taken an interest
in ravishing our souls.

all intellectual avenues
are blocked
except for a price of course,
while temperatures hover around
the freezing of all meaningful
cuz censorship has been imposed
in all major cities
where the only glitch in the system
is individuality itself
as our cups spillith over
with bad times warmed over while
we stumble through our own personal
dark holes of Calcutta praying
for the promised good times
to come.

The new rules are easy to memorize,
in fact are designed to help us
hitch up our get along skills
and go with the program forbidding
mention in polite public conversation
of the politically incorrect
like kissing, religion, insanity,
homosexuality, bodily functions,
meteorology, chewing gum,
spitting in the streets,
dogs doing it in the streets,
flipping cig. butts, wearing
shorts, high heels and or split skirts.

For your convenience
bulletin number two will be posted
in all public restrooms soon
so that when you sit down
you'll have something to read.
Hey, isn't literacy
wonderful and aren't you glad
you have a Big Brother?

Scott Malby

Posted over on Unlikely Stories

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