Thursday, August 27, 2009



You sage on the mount,
you raw intellect running naked
on rural roads,
you poet-professor scholar
whose mind moves mysteriously
through our daze like heated
knitting needles puncturing bubbles,
misconceptions, misnomers,
misspellings, missteps,
you friend who hibernates,
who ruminates,
who cogitates with ferrous fists
35 miles deep in the wilderness
of your mind,
and mine;
you cinemaphile,
you poetry lover,
you student and teacher,
you antagonist masquerading
as protagonist,
you muckraker,
you progressive,
you server of sarcasm slathered
with acerbic jam,
you stranger, you confidant,
you counselor.....
thanks for the critique of my verse,
or non-verse perhaps,
married to a treatise on
metaphysics, love, and death.
I needed that.

Glenn Buttkus August 2009

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