Monday, August 31, 2009

The Fuck

"procreation" deviant art by werol

The Fuck

The fuck isn’t going anywhere: it’s here to (sta)y
ins form in damp cloth revealing the presence
of m(old) spores

rivers dig deep in their concrete beds,
forgetting what it was
to meande(r)
ivers sit pristine and free of life or slud(g)e

oodbye to oxbows, goodbye to the surprise
of dis(cover)y
all surfaces with laminate,
scotch-guard the squirr(el)s

iminate difference from the world
and one will never have to
leave the m(all)
I’m saying is look around while we still have ey(es)

cape the culture of disdain: learn to en
joy the slight
inconveniences of liv(in)g
the real world, most of us (w)ould be dead

hat’s more
life or liv(in)g?
the strictest sense
we are
all of us

rag your heels in the dirt
anything to slow the blind char(ge)
rminate where you’re planted, yes
but some seeds have wings

By CL Bledsoe, Aug 03, 2009

Posted over on Decomp Magazine

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