Wednesday, August 12, 2009

James Earl Ray

James Earl Ray

We didn't mind the day off
from school, but we refused solemnity,
refused to let them think
they'd been proven right
by martyrdom we were ashamed
of nothing.

We joked in the halls—
It's James Earl Ray Day,
no school Monday!
And smiled when we saw the black kids

I'm thinking about this years
later, in an ATM drive through—
a sign says Closed
For Lee King Day. Who's he?
I wonder
before I realize they've buried
Dr. King's name behind Southern

I'm older, now, but that dumb
and mean kid I used to be
still has his friends
to hide behind. I consider moving
my account, but the bank is closed
until tomorrow.
I have to wait
and sit with this.

C.D. Bledsoe

Posted over on his site, Murder Your Darlings
Cortney commented:
(Originally appeared in The Arkansas Review, 2007 or 2008)

Notes: All true. The language in this poem is somewhat awkward, but I think the message is important.

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