Monday, August 24, 2009

Lion's Mane

Photo by Scott Boyd

Lion's Mane

The Lion’s Mane jellyfish
are always so fascinating to me
so I can’t help but share
this one with you.

It’s roughly 18 inches wide,
and in the process of ending its life,
which spans only about a year.
I hope it was a pleasant one
filled with everything that a jelly
might desire.
Did it float around to wonderful places
with comfy temperatures?
Get enough sex?
Eat out at some great spots,
enjoying the background music
of the passing Orcas’ latest hits?
I hope so.

I often see them washed up along the beach
here where I walk by the house,
and I love to kneel and study them closely.
Tempting as it is to touch
their soft, gel-like skin, I resist.
Even in this weakened state,
they can offer quite a zippy sting
that is officially referred to as,
“seldom fatal.”
I don’t care for those two words
next to each other.

In life these jellies are magnificent
and graceful creatures;
in death, they remain beautiful
as the sunlight reflects deep oranges
and maroons from their weakening bell.
Unnaturally upturned edges plead to the sky,
as the rocks below coax them gently
to the shore with each wave.
It’s inspiring to witness a creature
that’s as gorgeous in death
as it is in life.

Alex Shapiro August 2009

Posted as prose over on her site Notes From the Kelp

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