Friday, August 14, 2009

Malby Unmasked

Malby Unmasked

Partially....I have found tons of his poetry, and posted some of it; and I really like the lyric and honest way he filters the world--but also, over this last week I have enjoyed conjuring up images of who he might actually be; and he has emerged in my mind as beachcomber, custodian, forest ranger, beach bum, homeless spirit, defrocked priest, former mental patient, unemployed English teacher....someone who writes because he can, he likes to, he has to; kind of like me. Then I kept digging, and damned if I did not unearth some rather pedestrian data on this dynamic mysterious fellow. So now what the hell am I to think?


J. Scott Malby.

893 Newmark, Coos Bay, Oregon, 97420.

Phone: 1-503-267-2005,


brief bio:

Scott Malby has published work in over 500 journals; including printed anthologies and university publications. He is an essayist, columnist, short story writer, playwright and poet. His multimedia prints have been featured in America, Australia, England and Canada. A former mental health therapist, college counselor, college administrator and Executive Director of a Health Planning Agency, his writing reflects a concern for all aspects of the human condition as it relates to itself and the natural world.

This data was posted over on Who's Who in Poetry/The Poetry Kit

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