Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Scott Malby: Mystery Poet

Painting by Ronnie Le Bello

One can find Scott Malby's poetry all over the net, but no pics, no images. On one of his Bio pages he has an image of Jefferson Davis. So I guess we just have to accept the fact that we may look at the spirit of the poet, but not the mug.


Scott Malby: "From Coos Bay, Oregon, whenever I'm asked for a brief bio I wonder about the tales my briefs could tell. It scares me. Fortunately, I'm afraid mine are nondescript. I try to write every day. I'm one of the three pigs rather then the big bad wolf. I wash my clothes regularly and am under no illusion regarding the importance of my work. Sometimes, it too goes through the laundry. I write one good piece for every three bad ones. I hope I'm getting better at my craft. I'm the judge of that. I don't listen to anyone else. They're all crazy."

J. Scott Malby is a columnist for 4 ezines and a frequent contributor to internet publications all over the world. While the internet is not as important as the discovery of fire, he feels it is a most remarkable development; comparable only to the development of the printing press and transcending that. He lives in Coos Bay, Oregon, along the northern shore of the Pacific Coast in the United States. His themes are universal ones detailing the relationship of individuals with themselves, others and their environment. As he states, "What is important to me is what I discover about myself and the world around me through the act of writing. I am the first to admit that I find the world a rather insane place and that I am having trouble figuring it out. Sometimes I get the words right. Like a Navajo rug, all my poems have flaws. The reason is that I am flawed. It comes with the territory."


  1. I read somewhere that "Scott Malby" was a name writer David Saxon used regarding his computer generated work on the web. There is a photo of him on a Canadian lit mad.

  2. I worked with Scott in Coos Bay in the early 80's and just got to thinking about him. I would to contact him. I tried an email address I got from a Tryst site and it came back saying it didn't exist. He was an artist and poet back then and it was great to see him so well known. Does anybody know of a way to contact him?
    Cathy (Rosenblatt)

  3. My brother still lives in Coos Bay actively pursuing his craft
