Thursday, September 10, 2009

Burning Bush

Burning Bush

call me crazy but
I believe god spoke directly
to george w. bush

I believe he whispered in
his ear
attack iraq, george
those muslims are going to hell

tell a lie if you must to get
the american people behind you
but get it done

what about jesus
george asked
jesus said love
your enemies

jesus is only my son
I’m the father
you are talking directly
to me
you don’t need approval
or direction from
anyone else
even jesus

if people refuse to
back you then
they are refusing to
back me
and going directly
to hell quite frankly
nothing much
we can do about that
just stay the course

how will I know
that it is really you
that is talking to me
in the future

I will take on the appearance
of Karl Rove but
I will be glowing
like I’ve just had a vigorous
salt rub massage
or sex with four harlots
but in actuality it
will be my divine mojo
shining through

and beware of satan
for he plans to try
and stop your divine mission
he will come to you
in the form of
a grieving mother

and please please
do have more torture
like we had during the
I’ve missed that terribly
nothing makes me feel
more godlike than

I will do as you say
said george
and then immediately
went on vacation
to the crawford ranch

Randolph Nesbitt

Posted over on Poets Against The War

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