Thursday, September 10, 2009

Get Your Finger Out of Your Nose: This Isn't Some Silly Narrative--It's War

Get Your Finger Out of Your Nose This Isn't Some Silly Narrative It's War

while a wrinkled white woman prays
to god to give the homeless the blessed
experience of camping out in a sports
stadium complete with rape
and armed guards and locked doors
a black man from alabama
bleeds to death in a place called Iraq
a place of grand history
a focal point of insanity distraction
and international thievery
and white lies
I say white lies because these
treasonable lies have been carefully
crafted by white men
although many folk of color
(black, brown, etc.) have been duped
to be talking heads and
spokespeople and clowns to espouse
support and regurgitate these lies
but really they have been shaped
by white men bent on insane uncaring
sociopathic games of chance using
real human bodies and real national
resources to force their grand
schemes upon a drugged and hypnotized
populace but the schemes are not grand
nor good and the sports stadium
really was an instant prison because
wrinkled white women were afraid
of the wandering homeless
and these lying fat ass white men are
afraid too afraid of us because we
out number them and that is why they
need to test the waters every chance
they get and see if during a disaster
they can’t possibly lock up
as many of us as they can
for our own good
shut down our towns and put
as many goons as possible in military
vehicles with weapons to patrol
the streets in case we loot or hurt
ourselves during these disaster tests
it hurts to think that a patriotic brown
man from new mexico my neck of the woods
my home will be number two-thousand
another body for the pile
these wicked white men are using as
the foundation for their sick pathetic
platform to build their senseless
just-better-shut-up prison world
and that’s OK because the
over-the-top schemers of the past
have all ended up dying alone
in a bunker while the bombs marched
across the land looking
looking for the idiot that thought war
was merely very violent
but effective marketing

Randolph Nesbitt

Posted over on Poets Against The War

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