Friday, September 11, 2009

How The Worst Band in History Became Superstars

How the Worst Band in History Became Superstars

if this current administration was
a rock band with its one
monotonous song of fear
it would be relegated to
playing stinking dives in
places like Needles and Kingman
instead, we are hypnotized
by the lyrics
purchase multiple copies of the pitiful CD
sacrifice our children to Mars, the war god
and turn up the volume when
we begin to hear the sweet melody of truth
all we lack are groupies
and that is just because
the video hasn’t been leaked
on the internet yet
yes, the band plays heavy metal
and is called Yellowcake
the band logo is
a pentagon with an
all-seeing eye in its center
the pentagon is surrounded on
all sides with a latin phrase
which roughly translated means
to the victor the oil
to the conquered

Randolph Nesbitt

Posted over on Poets Against The War

then from AL JAZEERA.....

US announces Iraq uranium transfer

The yellow cake was found in Iraq in 2003,
shortly after a US-led invasion
of the country [AP]

The United States secretly shipped
hundreds of tons of uranium from Iraq
to a customer in Canada
on the request of Baghdad,
a spokesman for the Pentagon has said.

About 550 metric tonnes of yellow cake
uranium was moved to Baghdad's fortified
Green Zone before being flown to
a third country, where it was then shipped
to Canada, Bryan Whitman said.

"The operation was completed over
the weekend, on Saturday," Whitman said.

The uranium was found by US troops
after the 2003 US invasion of Iraq
at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research
Facility south of Baghdad.

It was placed under the control
of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Enrichment process
Yellow cake uranium is not strong enough
to power an electricity station
or nuclear weapon until it is
re-processed and enriched.

But Cameco, a company in Canada,
is now going to process the yellow cake
in a deal worth tens of millions
of dollars.

An Iraqi government spokesman said
Baghdad asked the US to help get rid
of the uranium because of
its potentially harmful effects.

The shipments cost the US about $70m,
but the Iraqi government has pledged
in principle
to repay some of the costs, Whitman said.

Arrangements for the sale began
several months ago, but the transfer
itself took "weeks not months", he said.

Deal questioned

The shipment came after Cameco responded
to a bid request made last year
by the US government, Lyle Kharan,
a spokesman for the company, said.

"We are satisfied at having been able
to remove uranium from one of the most
unstable regions of the world,
and to have transfered it to a stable
region to produce our own electric power,"
he said on Sunday.

He said the yellow cake would be used
at the Blind River and Port Hope
nuclear power plants north of Toronto.

But Gordon Edwards, a spokesman for
the Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility,
told Al Jazeera that some questions
regarding the transfer have not
been answered.

"One has to wonder why the secrecy?
I think it is probably because of
the origin and therefore the symbolic
importance of it - not because
the material itself could be used
for any nefarious purpose," he said.

"[Cameco] bought [the yellow cake]
at cheaper prices than world market prices
and one has to wonder whether this
was a smart deal for the Iraqis.

"Instead of selling it to Cameco,
which is more or less a wholesaler,
they could have instead had
a bidding process that involved
the utilities - and they probably would
have gotten a better price for it."

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