Friday, September 11, 2009

It is Easy to be At War

It Is Easy to Be at War

Q: Why did Jesus walk on water?
A: To get to the other side.

it is hard to find
any remnant of
the Peloponnesian War today
much less the stylus
of Thucydides
but we believe there
were tribes and
rich soils and

the glory of
plundering villages
caused poets to
write of pirates
while the luxurious
Athenian life was
protected at
all costs

the love of gain
the subjugation of the weak
the navy of Minos
what Homer says
and a king bent
on power
justified in rejecting
the foundations of

misfortune is twice
as great when
armaments are hidden
in the temple

Randolph Nesbitt

Posted over on Poets Against The War

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