Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On a Train Carrying Troops to the Front

On a Train Carrying Troops to the Front

friends of fellatio
are impeached
while liars living large
dance a wicked dance

trolls with
fading memories hide
under every bridge

soldiers pass pints
of courage
counting the future
dead, never seeing
bullets with their names

trolls gnaw
the bridge supports
shit beneath the tracks

generals travel
in other ways
avoid a name
to grieve, never
remember a face

trolls devour
children in a foul
stew, reeking of
roasted futures

crowds stand and cheer
for whatever reason
they are told, upon
returning home they
find their children gone

trolls remove
spikes securing
the rails, because
a dead man does
not tell

Randolph Nesbitt

Posted over on Poets Against The War

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