Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Value of a Dead Soldier

The Value of a Dead Soldier

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Doe,
We regret to inform you that your son is deceased. He was attacked and killed by insurgents in Iraq. We want you to know that his last few breaths were unrestricted as he did not have on cumbersome body armor. You will not have to add guilt to your grief as the number of civilians who died in the firefight will not be reported as the hospital was destroyed prior to the battle.

Don’t let anyone tell you your son died needlessly. His death has value. Dick Cheney received thousands of dollars from his Halliburton stock increasing in value as your son fought bravely. The infallible Commander-in-Chief now has more capital to spend because of your son’s efforts. Keep that in mind as the President begins to spend his capital.

Your son’s demise puts us one step closer to peace in the Middle East. Remember, peace is priceless.

Although peace is priceless, war has a very high cost. I am sure you can understand that because of the price of this war we will have to reduce your son’s death benefit to his surviving wife and child.
The United States of America

Randolph Nesbitt

Posted over on Poets Against The War

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