Tuesday, October 6, 2009



The seed that met water spoke
a little name.

(Great sunflowers were lording the air
that day; that was before Jesus,
before Rome; the other air was
readying our hundreds of years to
say things that rain has beat down on
over broken stones, and heaped
behind us in many slag lands.)

Quiet in the earth
a drop of water came,
and the little seed spoke;
"Sequoia is my name."

William Stafford

Posted over on William Stafford Archives


  1. Oh, I so want to see the giant sequoias same day! And I darn tootin' will.

  2. i likes treez too, speshuly ones wit karrits on top

  3. Yes, you will, Lady of Fun, and Jim and Kelly in tow can carry blue bunny along. It will take your breath away, like a picnic in a herd of behemoths.
