Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In the Matter of Human v. Bee

In the Matter of Human v. Bee

"If the bees die, man dies within four years."
--a quote attributed to Albert Einstein;
but which was likely created by an anonymous
source for political reasons.

1. For the prosecution:

The bees are gone.
Who gives a shit?

Other insects

And animals
Can pollinate

All the flora.

We will survive
Because humans are


The bees are gone.
It's a problem

But one we'll solve

With good science
And ambition.

Certain bees

Have disappeared,
But the other

More solitary

Breeds of bee
Are still alive

And pollinating

Like porno stars.
Who needs the bees

That are too weak?

Perhaps Darwin
Should be quoted

To prove our point.

The bees are gone,
But won't stronger


Grow in number
And amorous


If you believe
In a good God,

As anyone should,

Then you must know
That God will

Create some more bees.

Or replace them
With something else

Equally good,

Because God is

1. For the defense:

The bees are gone.
No one knows why,

Not even God.

Some blame cell phones.
Some blame disease.

A few blame God.

The bees are gone.
No one knows why.

If they stay gone

All flora goes
Without pollen

And will perish,

Starved and godless,
Within four years.

The animals

Will soon follow
Flora to dust.

And then we die.

Nothing can stay
Because the bees

Are little gods

Who gave us grace
Bloom by bloom.

The bees are gone.

I sing this song
To bring them back,

Or say goodbye,

Or to worship
The empty sky.

3. For the beekeepers:

The bees are gone.
We need new bees

Or we are fucked.

Sherman Alexie

from his book FACE.

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