Friday, October 9, 2009

In Medias Res

In Medias Res

On Main one night when they sounded
the chimes, my father was ahead
in shadow, my son behind coming into
the streetlight; on each side
a brother and sister, and overhead
the chimes went arching for
the perfect sound. There was a
one-stride God on Main that night,
all walkers in a cloud.

I saw pictures, windows taking shoppers
where the city went, a great shield
hammered out, my wife loving
the stations on that shield, and
following into the shades,
calling back.
I had not thought to know the hero
quite so well.
"Aeneas!" I cried, "Just man, defender!".
And our town burned and burned.

William Stafford

Posted over on William Stafford Archives

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