Monday, October 26, 2009

Maestro Mysterious

Maestro Mysterious

Hoping to get some kind of insight
into the reason why some composers seem
to be successful and some may or may not be
"discovered" long after they have
"shuffled off to Buffalo" so to speak,
and are not capable any more of acknowledging
the plaudits of an admiring audience
with a shy and humble demeanor
and an embarrassed, winsome grin.

I am unlikely to ever know until
my mortal coil has been unwound
and that will be too late.

In the meantime I can luxuriate
in the realities of my mortality.
I gotta roof
I get to eat
I have met a handful of truly worthy
fellow travelers who make it all worthwhile.
Especially against the negative image
of the pullulating mass of mindless proofs
that Darwin's theories do not apply
to all who walk upright and wear clothes.

I would like to add here that they know
who they are, but they don't, do they?

BUT again

I have found that a nice
back beat boogie bottom
is a crowd pleaser.

Doug Palmer October 2009


  1. I KNEW it was he even afore I saw his moniker penned along the bottom boogie-beating breadth of bardstering bravado.
