Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Dark Haired Woman Next Door

The Dark Haired Woman Next Door

I wonder if I dressed as a swan
Would my neighbor understand
When I called her "Leda."

Or would she say, seeing my feathers,
"You have drunk too much wine."
Our age, not the time for metaphor,
symbol, or myth.

She's not learned,
has a modern college education,
Does not know Yeats, or the Greeks,
only rock music
Seeing me dressed as a swan,
she would dial 911.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Gumball Poetry


  1. Laughed out loud at the 911 call.

    I so know how the author feels. If I dressed in my famous blue raincoat and waltzed on the neighbor's porch singing (loudly) "The Sisters Of Mercy" would he call 911??

  2. i writed a pome....


    i have a karrit
    i wil share it
