Friday, November 27, 2009

Dogs as Gifts

Stray Dogs

A recent post by English Rider brought the good news that the second of a pair of temporarily homeless dogs she had taken in quite some time ago had found a new, permanent home. This is the time of year when thoughtless idiots, looking around for a Christmas present, hit on the idea of 'giving' a puppy, often to a child, or a current girlfriend. After Christmas, when the novelty has worn off, the puppy has soiled the carpets, or the daily routine of school and work starts again, the puppy is suddenly no longer wanted and ends up in a shelter or rescue centre, if it's lucky, or abandoned on the streets, if not. Or even worse, it is taken to the motorway and abandoned there, soon to be hit and killed.

As most of you know, I am not exaggerating.

I don't believe that any of you reading this will be tempted to have a dog unless you are able to take care of it; however, let me just remind everybody of the RSPCA slogan:


***This compassionate and worthy post was found over on Ursula's site Friko's Musings all the way over in Shropshire Marches, United Kingdom. Check out her site when you have a mo'.



  1. We found an old golden retriever in the road yesterday. It was wet and had pretty severe dysplasia. We were worried it couldn't get out of the way of traffic. It had no collar, and I walked it around for awhile to see if it was near its home, knocked on a few doors, but no takers. We figured it was a dumped dog. So, even though my wife is asthmatic and we're both allergic to dogs, we brought it home. It was a very sweet dog, but even after just a few hours, we were both suffering. Luckily, this morning, we found the owner and were able to return the dog. We kind of miss the old guy, but it's nice being able to breathe.

  2. What a great canine adventure, Cortney. Sweet you rescued the mutt, and somehow got the old boy home. Hip dysplasia in a big dog is the beginning of the end probably, but at least the owner will get a few more months of love from the pooch.
