Tuesday, November 24, 2009

E Mail to Damniso Lopez, 149


I found,
Found somewhat,
What I forgot,

The finding was not
Something that could
Be photographed

Except by surphotography,
For the finding
Was not a tangible undertaking,

That occupied and took
Up an identifiable location
Is what is named “space.”

But the something was found
On the movie screen
Of our brains.

The mind produced an image
Of a suitcase never seen before,
Without touch, opened the suitcase.

There was found somewhat
What I was desiring,
But something was missing.

I could not determine what
Was missing, but my feelings
Ascertained something was missing.

My feeling are not always reliable,
Although more reliable than
My mental conceptions,

But due to this unreliability
Of my feelings, I could not be
Certain something was missing.

Everything is always incomprehensible,
But I assumed without evidence
That something was missing.

I tried imposing a number of
Things that might be missing
On the movie screen of my brain,

But the movie director inside my brain
Rejected all my impositions,
Telling me these impositions

Were not what was missing,
But although I did not know
If anything were missing or not,

I still feel something must be missing.
Of course, I will never know, So
What I found will have to remain incomplete.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Great Works

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