Wednesday, November 18, 2009

E Mail to Damniso Lopez # 169

"The Poet" by X-8


The prophetic value was due to
the misinterpretation
And the misperception
of what actually happened;
To put it more strongly,
ignorance is what established
this truth called an eternal verity.
Soon, this falsity became a fixed truth,
a necessity for congenial
and friendly communication,
a social obligation,
For to believe other than this lie
mean ostracism from the feast of life
(See James Joyces The Dead).
But, we who belong to the post-avant-garde
of the post-postmodern poets know
that all communication is alienation,
and we also know of the undecidability
Of the semiotic. We new poets
are not the anachronisms
of the sixties who employed varied
manipulations and chicaneries to gain
a little fame from an audience
That is a small minority.
We know that no large audience
Will ever comprehend or respond
to one of our opus
Or our opera. The obtuse audience for
less-than-mediocre poetry will never be
able to respond to our deterritorializations,
aporias, disdain of collective emotional
dispositions, our Transvaluations,
our transgressions, our proleptic
pronunciamentos. So we write not
to communicate in the customary manner,
not to be understood by those who adhere
to the axiologies of the old
Interpretive communities
and their outdated messageSystems.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Lunarosity

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