Monday, November 30, 2009

Rain Croak

Rain Croak

My studio window is wide open
on this quiet, mild, grey Sunday,
and I’m surrounded by the delightful
and insistent commentary of many little frogs
as I type this.
They love this weather.
Or maybe they despise it, and are whining.
I can’t tell because I haven’t signed up
for the Berlitz course in Amphibianese.

Against a hazy, shifting ceiling,
the grass and the trees are green,
and remain so throughout the winter.
Even in winter, it rarely looks bleak here
because of two things:
the perpetual verdant landscape,
and the fact that ninety percent of the time,
even our grey weather offers fluffy,
three-dimensional clouds in varying hues,
giving visual depth and movement to the sky.
It really is quite poetic.
The frogs provide the text.
I keep my window open,
to steal the music.

Alex Shapiro November 2009

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