Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Russian Proverbs


the wave betrays the wind
thirst teaches you the value of water
if you have nothing you’ve got nothing to lose
the squash calls the melon a cucumber
a small hole can sink a big ship
the road from the peak can only lead to the valley
its easier for a lake to become a swamp
than for a swamp to become a lake
you can soften steel but it takes a lot of heat
experience may be a good teacher
but its not a governess
when the river overflows, the last raindrop
thinks it caused the flood
the sea swallows the wise as well as the fool
hope has distinguished relatives
if you’re looking for a lasting peace
try a cemetery
a man with bad luck can drown in a teaspoon of water
looking at a broken pot won’t put it together again
what good is a loaf of bread when
thousands are starving
the great volga began as a little stream
don’t become a violin if
you don’t want to be stroked
what you tell the volga today
the volga will tell the caspian tomorrow
its not the net that counts, it’s the fish
its easier for a dog to learn to howl
than for a wolf to learn to bark
most cavalry songs are sung by infantrymen
a wolf without teeth is still a wolf
anyone can die without special training

David Antin

Posted over on Poems & Poetics

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