Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A High-Up Town in Italy

A High-Up Town in Italy

It was in some town in Italy,
So we
Could stand
This summer’s heat wave.
It had not rained in ten days.
We stayed at an albergo
Where the locks
On the doors
Would not work,
And the door
To the balcony
That extended
The length of the building
Was not there.
Instead, brown leather
Flapped in the wind.
We felt secure
In this small town
In Italy, for it
Was not our home
On North Jefferson
In Tampa, where
Each door had three locks,
All the windows, burglar bars.

We walked up to see
If any wine still remained
In the bottles
Stacked behind the bar.
We found statues of
Snow White and the seven dwarves .
All the dwarves remained
The same, but someone
Had repainted Snow White
To resemble a nude Venus.
Perhaps it was a joke,
Perhaps it was a desire;
The Italian mind is hard
For Americans to understand.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Whistling Shade

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