Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Movie Script 16

Painting by William Duggan


Director: In this cinema,
We are going to privilege
The details of daily life,
And each scene will be
Viewed from an isolated perception.
Only the literal fact
Will be camerized,
No symbolism or sur-symbolism.
An awareness of the ordinary mind
Will be transmitted.

The movie:

Snow falling, snow falling in front of snow.
Snow falling,
Seems nothing but snow.
But in the right hand corner,
Barely seen,
The sun is falling on a sunflower.

The petals of the sunflower start blazing,
A yellow fire is seen.

The snow melts.

The sky is a pale blue, a Perugino blue,
The type of blue that Perugino painted skies.

Camera moves back. The sunflower
Is seen to be in a frame, a dark gold frame.

It is on a museum wall in a heated building.

One museum guard says to another guard,
"Do you know there is a heavy snow, outside?"

"No, who cares, it so warm in this museum."

Snow starts to fall on the shoulders
of their uniforms.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Sacramento Poetry

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