Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Movie Script 160

Movie Script 160

Long ago, watch towers replaced church spires,
Long before the age
of the wristwatch’s fictions,

The sun and the sun burn not as believable
as numbers.
But lost due to new occupations,
shops and trades.

With trade, numbers grew like weeds,
but not green.
Tonsured men roamed, without working,
promised protection.

To us, the past just an agony,
the agony of isolation;
No one in 1000 AD and their dispensation
will ever hear of us.

You, La Principessa, are my salvation,
a fantasy of the imagination,
same as a myth when bells told time,

When a few wore gold crowns among bouquets
and preyed,
While ninety-five percent, work-exhausted,
no flowers, prayed.

Principessa, we are no longer in the feudal ages,
But in the age of the expert,
the expert’s insane asylum.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Ken Again

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