Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Poems Written in Exile At Lake Morton, NO.98

Painting by Paul Cezanne

Poems Written in Exile at Lake Morton, NO.98

Observing Cézannes apotheosis of apples
we saw a man and woman in love.
This love was alive
in disconnected thick paint patches.
Colors broken from each other
were precious in their connect-ness.
Colors that evaded classification
turned color
into apple skin and then human skin.
We observed this love as ardent
as the love in legends: Tristan-Isolde,
Paolo-Francesa, Daphnis-Chloe,
Petrarch-Laura, Dante-Beatrice.
We had observed in life
many couples who called themselves lovers,
but the first time we had actually
witnessed lovers
was in Cézannes apotheosis of apples.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Laughing Alligator

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