Monday, January 25, 2010

Instant History No Context

instant history no context

& in a consumerist society
disposability de rigueur
of course & we want
instant heroes &
instant history
delivered fast
& move on
o that’s in
the past
the criminals
the liars say no
need for inquiry
if you did not
nab me then
then now is
now & i
see no
why dwell on the past
what are you just a whiner
the only history that counts is
the history i can sell today
ask Sarah Palin or
your next pop
queen with
a mouth
& no
no matter
behind that
meat space just
empty calories light
& no heat no argument
save repeated assertions
make the money & store it
off shore beyond the pale scale
memory is only measured in dollars
burning holes in other people’s pockets
smoke & mirrors & fast move fast consume
the hit & run tactics of a rogue
a guerrilla a bandit a con
for now all you need is a user name & password:
Google the rest;

& who needs a memory?

Richard Lance Williams

Posted over on More Poetry

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