Monday, January 4, 2010

Late Quartet

Late Quartet

Beethoven must’ve been deaf
by then. But not blind—though
what does that mean?
That two “buts”

don’t make an “and”?
Outside the window, sun and leaves
don’t concern
themselves with my phrasing.

They’re making love this morning,
turning sunlight to
maple trees
for later generations to sit under

the boughs,
or look out their windows
at them while smoking
pensively, as we did,

when cigarettes, cheap then,
made you feel cool, not
though everything you do
kills you

eventually. Is this why Beethoven sounds
so sad, so richly
melancholic, so continually

in the darker tones—that he saw
when he could no longer

Joseph Somoza

Posted over on Bobby Byrd's site White Panties and Dead Friends

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