Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lee Marvin Starring As God

Painting by Mike Swift

Lee Marvin Starring As God

i could have spoke it
or had someone
said we all
believe in

the way great things
are sung like red
wagon wheels
all on fire
& god

like a drunken bastard
Lee Marvin shining: “YES!
You will be free; You will have
it all given back, every drop”
& then he goes off

to sleep it off in some ragtag
galaxy for a zillion years or
so because god being god
is being one prodigious
drunk ass drunk

& we are left here
hat in hand
ah hell

we might as well make the best of it
& so it don’t work out as well
as it could have
but there’s water & fine chocolate
& certain places
where you can lay with your back against
the damp earth naked
with someone you love
looking up at the guileless stars

& so it doesn’t make any sense
still your skin feels perfect
& even sleep comes to
the most sorrowful
of creatures

Richard Lance Williams
aka Ric Williams
aka Richard Lance

Posted over on More Poetry

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