Wednesday, January 20, 2010

People Magazine Covers

People (original name People Weekly) is a and human
-interest stories, published by Time Inc. As of 2006,
it has a circulation of 3.75 million and revenue expected
to top $1.5 billion. It was named "Magazine of the Year"
by Advertising Age in October 2005, for excellence in
editorial, circulation and advertising. People ranked #6
on Advertising Age's annual "A-list" and #3
on Adweek's "Brand Blazers" list in October 2006.

The magazine runs a roughly 50/50 mix of celebrity
and human-interest stories. People's editors claim to
refrain from printing pure celebrity gossip, enough so
to lead celebrity publicists to propose exclusives to
the magazine, evidence of what one staffer calls a
"publicist-friendly strategy."

People has a website,, which
focuses exclusively on celebrity news. In February 2007,
the website drew 39.6 million page views "within a day"
of the Golden Globes. However "the mother ship of
Oscar coverage" broke a site record with 51.7 million
page views on the day after the Oscars,
beating the previous record set just a month before
from the Golden Globes.People is perhaps best known for
its yearly special issues naming "Most Beautiful
People", "The Best Dressed", and "The Sexiest Man Alive".

The magazine maintains a single editorial bureau in
Los Angeles. Due to economic reasons it has recently
closed bureaus in New York City, Austin, Miami, Chicago,
and London.

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