Friday, January 29, 2010

Skins of Time

Painting by Doro Tegnazian

skins of time

one &
how we cross
them & again &
each new horizon
slips away & the sky is
not the same sky not the same
blue or black green gold or violet
not the scarlet dripping time & bodies
the flood utterly vanished & what was lost
revealed treasures in the naked fields
& where are the traces of those
breaths held at the edge &
what matters hesitates
a line of tender
turns hands
over end
with the bridge
the powder of light
emptiness after bones
dissolve: the cat’s cradle
of moments played like wet
sand circles we can draw again
fingers combing air binding these
echoes the trembling twitching nets
weavings skein of old threads sugar thin
filaments ghost skins of fires rains mountain
passages skeletons of music left in holes
thrown stones tunnels of absence
(there are only dead ends)
the choking smoke of
fire-eaters dousing
their brands in
the well: go

bridges made of bridges: moments:
skins of time

Richard Lance Williams

Posted over on More Poetry

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