Thursday, January 28, 2010

Syntax and What the Monkey Wore

syntax and what the monkey wore

begin the red flow
a joy of light


pouring mouths
into the sea liquid noon

a crown of syntax builds as if
the meaning monkeys
hammered wine

the stone

to break
a breaking down
seeds belong to the sea
the breath of the dappled wave

curling treasure
of lobster &

amber hewn

neither far nor here
the way things thing or
a hinge of a rounding door
nailed to a nothing of skinless walls

how you get anywhere
in being wrong save
what truth strings
along as it


a new groom
the gown stitched golden
as the placing of another gap
any face a testament to the ferocity of longing;

the structure of becoming

* * *

is there a structure wit(h)out an ou
which is a where (ou)t th’ere ere a be’f’ore
beginning of the ore
the ore not finished a yet ‘y’et y & et and
and and an end is and at h’and
the tether of the two
to gather a here
from the other
out there
of beginning
a gain of the O’re
of the meaning of a structure
any sYntax has meaning
th’ sun sin tacked
to an empty
eVen if the meaning
bears beyond what
can be mined
My Me
made mine
not colonized
made lonely in its
consciousness of being out
outré crazy broken
the connection
is made mad
only when
it stops
the here
from becoming
a there or anywhere
a nothing to be made
at the c’ore—god stops you
god is dead (a cor’pse) in that: beyond god
everything changes & in god changes are nothing
no meaning to a changeless god
save from this dead moment the next

god is in the gaps
& the gaps are

& meaning changes with every structure
every structure with the meaning
& god transcends the meaning of structure
the structure of meaning seen only
between the gaps

god jumps in the start the spark the art ark park
tart as apple suicider: what gives (___)

th’ br(id)ge to (now(h)ere) th’ I oVer th’ O ¥

Richard Lance Williams

Posted over on More Poetry

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