Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Target of an Attention

the target of an attention

if he throws you against the wall will you stick
or how the belly of a carcass reveals
the target of an attention
that cannot be

walk into a room
where will you breathe
your last: will your skin shrink
will the curtains loosen in their weave
or how a wasp burns along its central nerve & falls

& did you record those observations
made again & again to friends in
pain as if life were a judicial
application of collected
aphorisms: li’l engine

& how we fold her
hands in yours
that fire is
still a

the spit of
being neither
the father’s son
nor not the father’s son
to crawl with your own sorrow

& who pours soft waters
on your stony head
a pale green twig
quivering thru
another time;

mud of a god unmolded

* * *

speak plainly: she weeps for a love unfaithful
weeps that he may never see the madness
that runs & runs & runs in him
that he may be a broken
vessel she cannot fill
or one that needs
another’s glue

is she greedy
wanting to
be his only
angel & how she
fears he will not be fixed
fixed: unchanging & yet the ghost
we fear is our own absence: the presence

of a thing that will be fixed in its
place even as we unanchor
float as nothing more
than a notion a
ghost some
thing not
a thing

but a metaphor
in a philosopher’s
cave & the dry whisper
a river bereft of
its mountain
a light of

the presence of our absence: coniunctio

* * *

or laughing
carries in her hands
what her eyes cannot

as if a soul needed
weight a light

how she covers
her face &
in those

where nothing
is seen he sees what

beauty cups fierce
enough to guard
the heavens

how if she

turn of her

green leaf


to belong;

her skin like a field of hidden clouds

* * *

A the words
A or B

between lines
like clothes
wet & dry

how far between
the press &
the push

at the fold pull
the pin open
& a basket

already empty
lonely as
a sky

her hands

unknown the sky so fierce in the plains

* * *

or how Isabel said
let the world
know itself

imagine it
a jumped place
all that is not touched
the unmapped & unseen
completing us by its absence

or how we feed certain wood to fire
& others hew polish & carve
imbue with a longing of
what any cage
would free

invisible fires
invisible smoke
his hand in the sea
she touches his mouth
& clouds begin in leaving

& stick scratches black sand
monk strikes a brass bowl
sharp clattering of wings
her face toward heaven
feathers on a mirror;

mirror face sky

Richard Lance Williams

Posted over on More Poetry

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