Friday, January 22, 2010

What Is Pure: Summer Ghosts & Then the Fire

Painting by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

what is pure: summer ghosts & then the fire

she gives him
the skeleton of
a mockingbird chick
feathers & skull & ribs

how hard to transition on the ground
an island of thin dirt & weed
in an asphalt parking lot
peeping, peeping, gone

the mood stabilizers
keep the ocean
as if in gray

neither hot nor cold
but lukewarm god
spits you out—
swallow me

o whale so i
might see
a shore

& cats
of feathers
& no bones

she is thirsty
for his arms
for his red

she eyes the surface
an Ophelia of the corals
light like a dead honeycomb
rooms of gifts forever drowned

she looked over her bare shoulder
but he could not forgive himself
& the white noise of traffic
carried her on past;

summer ghost

* * *

never not exactly
a way it leans
in to fall

she laughs
i never

& she holds
her child close
plateaus stepping
wary of hard rivers

mouths of lost songs
stones that were
bodies softly

(is this what
it means to
leave it

how does
a flesh

in a field
of memory

scooped up she
gasps as if the mountains
were her hair pulled by the sun
how i want you he cries & then the fire;

how it holds: pushing thru
& then he rubs his thumb & all is lost

* * *

or how weak
she turns
a burn

as a desert
calling its
own last

he cannot
speak of
what is
lost or

if Eden
tasted of
blue fire when
that bloom unfolded

all those days used up
dried out broken abandoned
pretending he had no part in the pain
this thing he cannot turn—
how beautiful it opens

what is pure leaves its
mark in being

who knows
where the fire
of that star hides
how she bends away

as if to be refused were
to be shot from god’s mouth
a light that dwelt too long in presence
the shouting of her long hills
a radiance of what lets go;

on fire with the seeds of imagined stars

Richard Lance Williams

Posted over on More Poetry

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