Friday, January 29, 2010

words & pictures

words & pictures

words & pictures
forth to
the island
of getting thru
what is behind you
Dick what is before you
Jane take a picture put it back
the coyotes are howling coyotes howl
Dick takes Sally behind the barn & shows her
his pictures & she shows him hers
& they stare up each other’s tall tree
where they were told heaven is but
a name away: say it: say you love the way
the clouds release the heaviness of rain
how they thunder & throw out light: clouds throw
voices like Spot with his tail on fire:
take a picture of the puppies
take a word from the dictionary & let no one
ever use it unless they tell you
where the light goes
when she jumps
& all the words &
all the pictures & all the dogs
chasing squirrels & dancing on their
hind legs all the monkeys in yellow vests
the pigs in boots & talking frogs & the ducks
waddling from puddle to puddle to puddle
the triangles in the orchestra
the oatmeal box for
an Indian drum
the lollipops
the waxwings
drunk on berries
make us laugh until
we find them frozen
feathered stones
take a picture
write a word
or two &
carry it
to her
pretty girl
with a red

Richard Lance Williams

Posted over on More Poetry

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