Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Make Myself Up

Painting by Frank Frazetta

I Make Myself Up

From Stephen Dunn

The invented person, borrowed from the real–
abstracted, isolated–is the person we finally
know, or feel we know. I make myself up from
everything I am, or could be. For many years
I was more desire than fact. When I stop becoming,
that’s when I worry.

The invented person,
borrowed from the real–abstracted,
isolated–is the person we finally know,
or feel we know.
I make myself up from everything I am,
or could be.
For many years I was more desire than fact.
When I stop becoming,
that’s when I worry.

Posted over on Dig For Something Shiny

1. Stephen's prose poem.
2. Line breaks by Glenn Buttkus

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