Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Constant Wife and Our Theoretical Children

My Constant Wife and Our Theoretical Children

forever concern me with questions about proper
crib construction, color schemes, compression
of my space consumption. Once, I was a room,
then two rooms and a bathroom, now a room again;
soon, I’ll be a corner, a shelf,
a worried presence.

I must learn economy of spirit. I must consume.
Slight ease supercedes all other concerns.
My theoretical children
require constant immersion in entertainment.
A stable, growing income is a priority.
Ennui is not a color scheme.

Catalogs can be recycled if you find the time.
Relationships with theoretical parents
must be cultivated. Don’t speak
to them of real concerns, only trivialities,
brand comparisons, sports; they are not friends.
Adults don’t have friends.

There is emptiness in your life, trust me.
It must be filled.
The petty, useless thing you fear
you are must teach a life to govern itself.
You’ve read things; recall them.
Turn inward; there’s nothing outside but danger,
and people who don’t know how to drive.

C.L. Bledsoe

Posted over on Pank Magazine

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