Tuesday, February 9, 2010

On a Painting Newly Ascribed to Leonardo of Vinci

Painting by Wendy Winbeckler

on a painting newly ascribed to leonardo of vinci

This is she of whom we spoke
whose character doth alter
in proportion with our closeness to her

unlike an image: which is fixèd
certainly, and changeth not
if we come near or stand afar

This one is she who changeth
as we change, who is all hurry
towards us when we approach

yet turneth chill when from her
we strive for our souls’ sake
to move a little off. She knoweth

all things we ponder, all wishes
we endure within our hearts
she knoweth well, and from us

turneth only a little bit aside—
still close—and peereth calmly
at quiet distances she alone can see.

Robert Kelly

Posted over on Ready Steady Book

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