Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Song: For Those Who Come After


Learn the new way
whatever it is at all
the beginning and what will you do
the end and what is done

learn the green mistakes
your father fell
and when you young
are beautifully wrong

when they teach you
loving say No
say Yes in the middle of No
be kind in emptiness

no one knows anything
so believe them all
a style is seduction
and worth a kiss

but dont get married
learn ships and wind
and all ways to go
when the tongue leaves the mouth

and the sky is not just money
and the sea is mostly wet
and Anywhere Anywhere
your lovesong your anthem

and Everywhere Everywhere
should be your mother
ask nothing but to give
and never remember

what you'll never forget
a bright road running
when you want nothing
and there is no different from here.

Robert Kelly

Posted over on Nicole Peyrafitte

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