Monday, February 8, 2010

Toyota Tantrum

Toyota Tandrum

I spend so many years in my auto repair activities
accumulating a respect for Toyota but as soon as I
get to a position in life to buy my first new car,
I end up with this tin can full of computers that
somehow seems to think it knows more about driving
than I do.
Even though it has no eyes nor does has it ears.
It does have useless stuff like cruise control
air conditioning and a radio without a mute button.
Which seems to me to be about the most important
and easiest thing to add to a car that thinks
it's so damn smart.
A friggin mute button f'crissake!

Let's face it a computer is just an idiot savant
that can access more of it's pathetically limited
store of little digitized facts faster than I can
Dumber than most animals.
Not really capable of making the real time
survival decisions that I'm expected
to take responsibility for.

So....anyway who gives a rip,

It's like having a trained seal at the wheel.

Doug Palmer February 2010

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