Friday, March 12, 2010

Good Clean Fun


It's terrorism, isn't it,
when you're afraid to answer the door
for lack of a Green Card
afraid to look for work,
walk into the hospital when
your child is sick,

and what else than terrorism could you
call those smallpox blankets we gave the
Indians--the trail of tears,
the raids on Ghost Dancing tribes
It's terrorism when you're forbidden
to speak your language
paddled for it, made to run
a hundred laps in the snow
in your thin & holey sneakers.
What do you call it when you're locked
in your high school classroom,
armed policemen manning the halls?
Isn't it terrorism to force a young woman
to talk to her parents
about her clandestine love
the child she will or will not carry?
Is it terrorism to shoot striking
onion workers (1934),
pick off AIM members one by one?

What happened to the Hampton family
in Chicago his bed;
would you call that terrorism?
Or the MOVE kids in Philadelphia
bombed in their home.
Or all the stories we don't know
buried in throats stuffed w/socks,
or pierced w/bullets.
Woud you call it terrorism,
what happened at Wounded Knee
or the Drug Wars picking off
the youth of our cities
twenty years ago now;
you know the names.
What was COINTELPRO if not terrorism?
What new initials are they calling
it today?

Is Leonard Peltier a victim of terrorism?
Is Mumia Abu-Jamal?

Is it terrorism if you are terrified
of the INS, the IRS, the landlord,
your boss, the man
who might do your job for less?
if you're scared of your health insurance
no health insurance
scared of your street, your hallway,
scared every month you might not get
to the 1st and the next measly check?

Is it terrorism to take food
from hungry school-kids?
To threaten teenagers who still have hope
have joy enough
to bring babies into this mess?

How has terrorism touched you,
shaped your life?
Are you afraid to go out,
to walk in your city, your suburb,
your countryside?
To read, to speak your own language,
wear your tribe's clothes?
Afraid of the thin-shelled birds
w/twisted necks
poisoned by nitrates, by selenium?
Afraid that the dawn will be silent,
the forests grey?

Is it terrorism to fill
the Dnieper w/radiation?
or heat the ionosphere w/magnetism
"to see what will happen"?
A wonderful weapon, they say,
it will perturb the weather pattern,
disrupt communications
Who are the terrorists in the lumber wars?
(the water wars are coming)
And we haven't even talked
about AIDS and cancer.

Is the assault on native intelligence
& good will
that we call the evening news
anything other than an act of terror?

What was the Gulf War but terrorism
wearing the death mask of order?
one big car bomb it was
the guys who drove it dying now
one by one
Is acid rain a form of terrorism?
(Think for yourself.)
Is GATT or NAFTA anything but a pact
among brigands and their back-up men?
How long before they fight
over the spoils?
Who'll do their fighting for them?

Is Alan Greenspan perhaps
the biggest known & named
of our terrorist leaders, here,
nurtured here,
trained here

the dark design of whose hearts makes
Hutu & Tutsi
Croat & Muslim & Serb
mere diversionary tactics
before the onslaught

-- Diane di Prima

Posted over on Poets Against the War

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