Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Rival Poet

The Rival Poet

The column of your book titles,
always introducing your latest one,
looms over me like Roman architecture.
It is longer than the name
of an Italian countess, longer
than this poem will probably be.
Etched on the head of a pin,
my own production
would leave room for The Lord's Prayer
and many dancing angels.
No matter.
In my revenge daydream I am the one
poised on the marble staircase
high above the crowded ballroom.
A retainer in livery announces me
and the Contessa Maria Teresa Isabella
Veronica Multalire Eleganza de Bella
You are the one below
fidgeting in your rented tux
with some local Cindy hanging
all over you.

Billy Collins

Posted over at Gin & Tonic

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this so I coudld read it again. I unofrtunately had to return the book I originally read it in to the library and it quickly became one of my favorites
