Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Curtains For Us

Curtains For Us

Finally got all the curtain rods installed.
Now she's gonna wanna paint the rooms.

Took off to Southcenter for to donate blood,
but when I got there I was rejected
onna counta of a shingles shot
I had a week or so ago.

Prefer metal siding myself.

Finally got an nice strip of maple steamed
and bent for the trim skirt on the mandora.

Writing a trumpet concerto, or to be exact,
finishing up on an earlier version

I'm getting enthusiastic about riding,
been watching bike racing on KING 5.

Tires me out just watching those children
pumping away at fantastic speeds
and up impossible hills
for impossible distances.

I'll never be that young again,
nor was I ever.

Doug Palmer April 2010

Posted over on his site Feel Free To Laugh

Palmer does not think of himself as a poet,
or a philosopher--yet following his creative
mind through any one day is poetry, absurdity,
existentialism, self-deprecation, and fun.
"He's a poet and don't know it, but his
feet show it--they're Longfellows".

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